Shirou Emiya , also written as "Shiro Emiya" in Fate/unlimited codes, is a character and the main protagonist of the 2004 visual novel Fate/stay night, published by Type-Moon. Shirou is a teenager who accidentally participates in the "Holy Grail War" alongside six other mages looking for the eponymous treasure, an all-powerful, wish-granting relic. Shirou was the sole survivor of a fire in a city and was saved by a man named Kiritsugu Emiya who inspired him to become a hero and avoid killing people during fights. While fighting alongside the servant Saber, Shirou develops his own magical skills and, depending on the player's choices, he forms relationships with the novel's other characters. He also appears in the visual novel sequel Fate/hollow ataraxia, the prequel light novel Fate/Zero, and printed and animated adaptations of the original game.