Lakitu, known in Japan as Jugem , is a fictional flying Koopa in the Mario franchise. Created by Shigeru Miyamoto, he first appeared in the Nintendo Entertainment System video game Super Mario Bros., where he dropped enemies called Spinies on the stage. He has a striped green shell, wears aviator goggles, and rides around in a smiling cloud. He has since appeared in several main Mario titles since, as well as Mario spin-off titles, notably the Mario Kart series where he acts as the referee and a playable character in Mario Kart 7, Mario Kart 8 and Mario Kart Tour. He has appeared in non-Mario titles, including the Super Smash Bros. series as an assist trophy in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.