Cagalli Yula Athha is a fictional character introduced in the Japanese science fiction anime television series Mobile Suit Gundam SEED by Sunrise, part of the Gundam franchise. In the series, Cagalli is one of the regular humans, labeled as Naturals, fighting against genetically enhanced humans known as Coordinators in a prolonged war. Despite being seen fighting on the battlefield at various times alongside the Naturals military organization the Earth Alliance, Cagalli is later revealed to be the daughter of Uzumi Nara Athha, the leader of the neutral country of Orb. After assisting her new allies to stop the war, Cagalli becomes the leader of Orb. Her new role as such is further explored in the series sequel, Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny. Cagalli is voiced by Naomi ShindÅ in Japanese. In English, she is voiced by Vanessa Morley in the Ocean dub and by Cherami Leigh in the NYAV dub.