Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-Chan is a Japanese light novel series written by Masaki Okayu and illustrated by Torishimo. It centers on a teenage boy and a killer angel from the future who constantly gets him into trouble and kills him violently and repeatedly, often removing his head with her spiked club named "Excaliborg", only to resurrect him seconds later. The novels were first serialized in the Dengeki hp magazine published by MediaWorks. Later, a manga version was created, written and illustrated by Mitsuna Ouse serialized in Dengeki Comic Gao!. Finally, an anime version was adapted and aired in Japan between March and September 2005. A second anime series aired between August and November 2007. In late 2005, a PlayStation 2 game titled Game ni Natta yo! Dokuro-chan: KenkÅ Shindan Daisakusen was released in Japan.