
Fictional character from Rurouni Kenshin

Shishio Makoto , known in the English anime in Western order as Makoto Shishio, is a fictional character from the Rurouni Kenshin manga series created by Nobuhiro Watsuki. The primary villain of the series' Kyoto arc, Shishio is the successor of the Hitokiri (人斬り), or assassin Himura Kenshin, the protagonist of the series. After working for Ishin Shishi, the new Meiji government tried killing Shishio by dousing him in oil and burning him alive. However, Shishio manages to survive and recruits an army led by the Juppongatana to get his revenge and take down Japan. With the government's members fearing their deaths, they recruit both Kenshin and the former Shinsengumi Saito Hajime to defeat his forces. Besides the manga, Shishio has appeared in the series' anime adaptation, games, as well as two live-action films. He is also the protagonist of the manga prequel Rurouni Kenshin: Master of Flame, showing the origins of the Juppongatana.
