the floor is lava

Game in which players imagine that the floor is made of lava and avoid touching the ground

The floor is lava is a game in which players pretend that the floor or ground is made of lava, and thus must avoid touching the ground, as touching the ground would "kill" the player who did so. The players stay off the floor by standing on furniture or the room's architecture. The players generally may not remain still, and are required to move from one piece of furniture to the next. This is due to some people saying that the furniture is acidic, sinking, or in some other way time-limited in its use. The game can be played with a group or alone for self amusement. There may even be a goal, to which the players must race. The game may also be played outdoors in playgrounds or similar areas. Players can also set up obstacles such as padded chairs to make the game more challenging. This is a variation of an obstacle course.
